MuG - FASTQ Pipelines’s documentation!¶
- Requirements and Installation
- Full Installation
- Pipelines
- Download and index genome files
- BioBamBam Alignment Filtering
- Bowtie2 Alignment
- BSgenome Builder
- BS Seeker2 Indexer
- BS Seeker2 Aligner
- BiSulphate Sequencing Filter
- BS Seeker2 Methylation Peak Caller
- BWA Alignment - bwa aln
- BWA Alignment - bwa mem
- ChIP-Seq Analysis
- iDamID-Seq Analysis
- iNPS
- MACS2 Analysis
- Mnase-Seq Analysis
- RNA-Seq Analysis
- TrimGalore
- Whole Genome BiSulphate Sequencing Analysis
- Hi-C Analysis
- Tools for processing FastQ files
- Utility Functions
- Continuous Integration with Travis
- Setting up and using a Docker Container
- Architectural Design Record
- 2017-08-15 - Implementation of pigz
- 2018-01-26 - Disable no-self-use for @tasks
- 2018-02-28 - BAM Merge Strategy
- 2018-04-26 - BAM Splitting
- 2018-05-01 - Compression of FASTQ
- 2018-05-09 - Handling aligner index decompression
- 2018-05-22 - GEM Naming
- 2018-05-22 - TrimGalore
- 2018-05-31 - Public genomes and indexes
- 2018-06-01 - Separated WGBS Code Testing
- 2018-06-01 - Travis Caching
- 2018-06-04 - Split the WGBS test scripts
- 2018-06-05 - Use of the logger PROGRESS
- 2018-06-14 - Paired end alignment
- 2018-06-18 - Branch tidying during alignment
- 2018-06-27 - Remove reads marked as duplicate by BioBamBam
- 2018-07-11 - Changes FASTQ splitter file management
- 2018-07-16 - Modified handling of file locations
- 2018-08-02 - Added in Paired End BAM file handling for MACS2
- 2018-07-16 - Modified handling of file locations
- 2018-08-07 - Storing tool parameters as part of the metadata
- 2018-08-07 - Extra output files from MACS2
- 2018-08-13 - Normalised the use of OSError
- 2018-08-15 - Use the config.json execution path
- 2018-08-16 - Prevent further duplicate filtering by MACS2
- 2018-09-04 - Adding functionality to bam_utils and MACS2
- 2018-09-17 - Updates to tool and pipline run()
- 2018-08-22 - Improvement of tadbit tools wrappers
- 2018-09-25 - Converting the Kallisto TSV file to BED
- 2018-10-18 - Multi File handling for the DamID-seq Pipeline
- 2018-10-25 - WGBS Pipeline Create BigWig files as standard
- 2018-10-31 - Modify the file names for docker script
- 2018-11-08 - Modifications for the movement of files
- 2018-11-16 - Reading of Gzipped FASTQ files
- License