Source code for mg_process_files.tool.bed_indexer

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import subprocess
import shlex

import numpy as np
import h5py

from utils import logger

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, FILE_INOUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
    from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
except ImportError:
    logger.warn("[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")
    logger.warn("          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_INOUT, FILE_OUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import compss_wait_on  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

from basic_modules.tool import Tool

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[docs]class bedIndexerTool(Tool): """ Tool for running indexers over a BED file for use in the RESTful API """ def __init__(self, configuration=None): """ Init function """"BED File Indexer") Tool.__init__(self) if configuration is None: configuration = {} self.configuration.update(configuration)
[docs] def bed_feature_length(self, file_bed): """ BED Feature Length Function to calcualte the averagte length of a feature in BED file. Parameters ---------- file_bed : str Location of teh BED file Returns ------- average_feature_length : int The average length of the features in a BED file. """ total_feature_count = 0 total_feature_length = 0 with open(file_bed, 'r') as f_in: for line in f_in: line = line.strip() sline = line.split("\t") start = int(sline[1]) end = int(sline[2]) length = end-start total_feature_count += 1 total_feature_length += length return total_feature_length / total_feature_count
[docs] @task(returns=bool, file_sorted_bed=FILE_IN, file_chrom=FILE_IN, file_bb=FILE_OUT, bed_type=IN, isModifier=False) def bed2bigbed(self, file_sorted_bed, file_chrom, file_bb, bed_type=None): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ BED to BigBed converter This uses the ``bedToBigBed`` program binary provided at to perform the conversion from bed to bigbed. Parameters ---------- file_sorted_bed : str Location of the sorted BED file file_chrom : str Location of the chrom.size file file_bb : str Location of the bigBed file Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: if not self.bed2bigbed(bed_file, chrom_file, bb_file): output_metadata.set_exception( Exception( "bed2bigbed: Could not process files {}, {}.".format(*input_files))) """ command_line = 'bedToBigBed' if bed_type is not None: command_line += ' -type=' + str(bed_type) command_line += ' ' + file_sorted_bed + ' ' + file_chrom + ' ' + file_bb + '''BED 2 BIGBED:', command_line) args = shlex.split(command_line) process_handle = subprocess.Popen(args) process_handle.wait() with open(file_bb, 'wb') as f_out: with open(file_bb + '', 'rb') as f_in: f_out.write( return True
[docs] @task(returns=bool, file_id=IN, assembly=IN, file_sorted_bed=FILE_IN, file_hdf5=FILE_INOUT) def bed2hdf5(self, file_id, assembly, file_sorted_bed, file_hdf5): # pylint: disable=no-self-use, too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches """ BED to HDF5 converter Loads the BED file into the HDF5 index file that gets used by the REST API to determine if there are files that have data in a given region. Overlapping regions are condensed into a single feature block rather than maintaining all of the detail of the original bed file. Parameters ---------- file_id : str The file_id as stored by the DM-API so that it can be used for file retrieval later assembly : str Assembly of the genome that is getting indexed so that the chromosomes match feature_length : int Defines the level of resolution that the features should be recorded at. The 2 options are 1 or 1000. 1 records features at every single base whereas 1000 groups features into 1000bp chunks. The single base pair option should really only be used when features are less than 10bp to file_sorted_bed : str Location of the sorted BED file file_hdf5 : str Location of the HDF5 index file Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: if not self.bed2hdf5(file_id, assembly, bed_file, hdf5_file): output_metadata.set_exception( Exception( "bed2hdf5: Could not process files {}, {}.".format(*input_files))) """ max_files = 1024 max_chromosomes = 1024 max_chromosome_size = 2000000000 feature_length = self.bed_feature_length(file_sorted_bed) storage_level = 1000 if feature_length < 10: storage_level = 1 hdf5_in = h5py.File(file_hdf5, "a") if str(assembly) in hdf5_in: grp = hdf5_in[str(assembly)] # Required for preparing the data object meta = hdf5_in['meta'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable dset1 = grp['data1'] dset1k = grp['data1k'] fset = grp['files'] cset = grp['chromosomes'] file_idx_1 = [fs for fs in fset[0] if fs != ''] file_idx_1k = [fs for fs in fset[1] if fs != ''] if file_id not in file_idx_1 and file_id not in file_idx_1k: if storage_level == 1000: file_idx_1k.append(file_id) else: file_idx_1.append(file_id) # pylint comment: resize is a valid member of the objects dset1.resize((dset1.shape[0], dset1.shape[1] + 1, max_chromosome_size)) # pylint: disable=no-member dset1k.resize((dset1k.shape[0], dset1k.shape[1] + 1, max_chromosome_size/1000)) # pylint: disable=no-member chrom_idx = [c for c in cset if c != ''] else: # Create the initial dataset with minimum values grp = hdf5_in.create_group(str(assembly)) hdf5_in.create_group('meta') dtf = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) dtc = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) fset = grp.create_dataset('files', (2, max_files), dtype=dtf) cset = grp.create_dataset('chromosomes', (max_chromosomes,), dtype=dtc) file_idx_1 = [] file_idx_1k = [] chrom_idx = [], str(max_chromosomes), str(max_files)) dset1 = grp.create_dataset( 'data1', (0, 1, max_chromosome_size), maxshape=(max_chromosomes, max_files, max_chromosome_size), dtype='bool', chunks=True, compression="gzip" ) dset1k = grp.create_dataset( 'data1k', (0, 1, max_chromosome_size/1000), maxshape=(max_chromosomes, max_files, max_chromosome_size/1000), dtype='bool', chunks=True, compression="gzip" ) if storage_level == 1000: file_idx_1k.append(file_id) else: file_idx_1.append(file_id) # Save the list of files fset[0, 0:len(file_idx_1)] = file_idx_1 fset[1, 0:len(file_idx_1k)] = file_idx_1k file_chrom_count = 0 if storage_level == 1000: dnp = np.zeros([int(np.ceil(max_chromosome_size/1000))], dtype='bool') else: dnp = np.zeros([max_chromosome_size], dtype='bool') previous_chrom = '' loaded = False with open(file_sorted_bed, 'r') as f_in: for line in f_in: line = line.strip() length = line.split("\t") chrom = str(length[0]) start = int(length[1]) end = int(length[2]) loaded = False if chrom != previous_chrom and previous_chrom != '': file_chrom_count += 1 if previous_chrom not in chrom_idx: chrom_idx.append(previous_chrom) cset[0:len(chrom_idx)] = chrom_idx dset1.resize( ( dset1.shape[0]+1, dset1.shape[1], max_chromosome_size) ) dset1k.resize( ( dset1k.shape[0]+1, dset1k.shape[1], max_chromosome_size/1000 ) ) loaded = True if storage_level == 1000: dset1k[chrom_idx.index(previous_chrom), file_idx_1k.index(file_id), :] = dnp dnp = np.zeros([int(np.ceil(max_chromosome_size/1000))], dtype='bool') else: dset1[chrom_idx.index(previous_chrom), file_idx_1.index(file_id), :] = dnp dnp = np.zeros([max_chromosome_size], dtype='bool') previous_chrom = chrom if storage_level == 1000: dnp[int(np.floor(start/1000)):int(np.ceil(end/1000))] = '1' else: dnp[start:end+1] = '1' if loaded is False: if previous_chrom not in chrom_idx: chrom_idx.append(chrom) cset[0:len(chrom_idx)] = chrom_idx dset1.resize((dset1.shape[0] + 1, dset1.shape[1], max_chromosome_size)) dset1k.resize((dset1k.shape[0] + 1, dset1k.shape[1], max_chromosome_size/1000)) if storage_level == 1000: dset1k[ chrom_idx.index(previous_chrom)/1000, file_idx_1k.index(file_id), : ] = dnp else: dset1[ chrom_idx.index(previous_chrom), file_idx_1.index(file_id), : ] = dnp hdf5_in.close() return True
[docs] def run(self, input_files, input_metadata, output_files): """ Function to run the BED file sorter and indexer so that the files can get searched as part of the REST API Parameters ---------- input_files : list bed_file : str Location of the sorted bed file chrom_size : str Location of chrom.size file hdf5_file : str Location of the HDF5 index file metadata : list file_id : str file_id used to identify the original bed file assembly : str Genome assembly accession Returns ------- list bed_file : str Location of the sorted bed file bb_file : str Location of the BigBed file hdf5_file : str Location of the HDF5 index file Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: import tool # Bed Indexer b = tool.bedIndexerTool(self.configuration) bi, bm = [bed_file_id, chrom_file_id, hdf5_file_id], [], {'assembly' : assembly} ) """ bed_type = None if "bed_type" in self.configuration: bed_type = self.configuration['bed_type'] results = self.bed2bigbed( input_files["bed"], input_files["chrom_file"], output_files["bb_file"], bed_type) results = compss_wait_on(results) results = self.bed2hdf5( input_files['bed'], input_metadata["bed"].meta_data["assembly"], input_files["bed"], input_files["hdf5_file"] ) results = compss_wait_on(results) output_generated_files = { "bb_file": output_files["bb_file"], "hdf5_file": input_metadata["bed"].meta_data["assembly"] } output_metadata = { "bb_file": input_files["bed"], "hdf5_file": input_metadata["hdf5_file"] } return (output_generated_files, output_metadata)
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