Source code for tool.tb_full_mapping

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import print_function
import sys

from os import path
from os import unlink

from past.builtins import basestring  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

from basic_modules.tool import Tool

from utils import logger

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
    # from pycompss.api.constraint import constraint
    from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
except ImportError:"[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")"          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    # from utils.dummy_pycompss import constraint # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import compss_wait_on  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

from pytadbit.mapping.mapper import full_mapping  # pylint: disable=import-error
from pytadbit.utils.fastq_utils import quality_plot  # pylint: disable=import-error

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[docs]class tbFullMappingTool(Tool): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Tool for mapping fastq paired end files to the GEM index files """ def __init__(self): """ Init function """"TADbit full_mapping") Tool.__init__(self)
[docs] @task( gem_file=FILE_IN, fastq_file=FILE_IN, windows=IN, window1=FILE_OUT, window2=FILE_OUT, window3=FILE_OUT, window4=FILE_OUT) def tb_full_mapping_iter( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,unused-argument,no-self-use,too-many-arguments self, gem_file, fastq_file, windows, window1, window2, window3, window4, ncpus=1, workdir='/tmp/'): """ Function to map the FASTQ files to the GEM file over different window sizes ready for alignment Parameters ---------- gem_file : str Location of the genome GEM index file fastq_file_bgd : str Location of the FASTQ file windows : list List of lists with the window sizes to be computed window1 : str Location of the first window index file window2 : str Location of the second window index file window3 : str Location of the third window index file window4 : str Location of the fourth window index file Returns ------- window1 : str Location of the first window index file window2 : str Location of the second window index file window3 : str Location of the third window index file window4 : str Location of the fourth window index file """"tb_full_mapping_iter") output_dir = workdir _ = full_mapping( gem_file, fastq_file, output_dir, windows=windows, frag_map=False, nthreads=ncpus, clean=True, temp_dir=workdir ) return True
[docs] @task( gem_file=FILE_IN, fastq_file=FILE_IN, enzyme_name=IN, windows=IN, full_file=FILE_OUT, frag_file=FILE_OUT) def tb_full_mapping_frag( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,unused-argument,no-self-use,too-many-arguments self, gem_file, fastq_file, enzyme_name, windows, full_file, frag_file, ncpus=1, workdir='/tmp/'): """ Function to map the FASTQ files to the GEM file based on fragments derived from the restriction enzyme that was used. Parameters ---------- gem_file : str Location of the genome GEM index file fastq_file_bgd : str Location of the FASTQ file enzyme_name : str Restriction enzyme name (MboI) windows : list List of lists with the window sizes to be computed window_file : str Location of the first window index file Returns ------- window_file : str Location of the window index file """"tb_full_mapping_frag") # od_loc = fastq_file.split("/") # output_dir = "/".join(od_loc[0:-1]) output_dir = workdir"TB MAPPING - output_dir:", output_dir)"TB MAPPING - full_file dir:", full_file)"TB MAPPING - frag_file dir:", frag_file) gzipped = '' dsrc = '' if fastq_file.endswith('.fastq.gz') or fastq_file.endswith('.fq.gz'): gzipped = '.gz' if fastq_file.endswith('.fastq.dsrc'): dsrc = '.dsrc' file_name = path.basename(fastq_file) file_name = file_name.replace('.fastq'+dsrc+gzipped, '') file_name = file_name.replace('.fq'+dsrc+gzipped, '') fastq_file_tmp = workdir+'/'+file_name _ = full_mapping( gem_file, fastq_file, output_dir, r_enz=enzyme_name, windows=windows, frag_map=True, nthreads=ncpus, clean=True, temp_dir=workdir ) with open(full_file, "wb") as f_out: with open(fastq_file_tmp + dsrc + "", "rb") as f_in: f_out.write( if path.isfile(fastq_file_tmp + dsrc + ""): unlink(fastq_file_tmp + dsrc + "") with open(frag_file, "wb") as f_out: with open(fastq_file_tmp + dsrc + "", "rb") as f_in: f_out.write( if path.isfile(fastq_file_tmp + dsrc + ""): unlink(fastq_file_tmp + dsrc + "") return True
[docs] def run(self, input_files, input_metadata, output_files): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,no-self-use,unused-argument """ The main function to map the FASTQ files to the GEM file over different window sizes ready for alignment Parameters ---------- input_files : list gem_file : str Location of the genome GEM index file fastq_file_bgd : str Location of the FASTQ file metadata : dict windows : list List of lists with the window sizes to be computed enzyme_name : str Restriction enzyme used [OPTIONAL] Returns ------- output_files : list List of locations for the output files. output_metadata : list List of matching metadata dict objects """ gem_file = input_files[0] fastq_file = input_files[1] windows = input_metadata['windows'] if not windows: windows = None if 'ncpus' not in input_metadata: input_metadata['ncpus'] = 8 if 'iterative_mapping' in input_metadata: if isinstance(input_metadata['iterative_mapping'], basestring): frag_base = not input_metadata['iterative_mapping'].lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") # pylint: disable=line-too-long else: frag_base = not input_metadata['iterative_mapping'] else: frag_base = (windows is None) if 'workdir' in input_metadata: root_path = input_metadata['workdir'] else: root_path = path.dirname(path.abspath(fastq_file)) gzipped = '' if fastq_file.lower().endswith('.fastq.gz') or fastq_file.lower().endswith('.fq.gz'): gzipped = '.gz' file_name = path.basename(fastq_file) file_name = (file_name.replace('.fastq'+gzipped, '')).replace('.FASTQ'+gzipped, '') file_name = (file_name.replace('.fq'+gzipped, '')).replace('.FQ'+gzipped, '') quality_plot_file = '' log_path = '' # name = root_name[-1] if 'quality_plot' in input_metadata: quality_plot_file = 'QC-plot_'+file_name + '.png' log_path = root_path+'/'+'mapping_log_'+file_name + '.txt' dangling_ends, ligated = quality_plot( fastq_file, r_enz=input_metadata['enzyme_name'], nreads=100000, paired=False, savefig=path.join( root_path, quality_plot_file)) orig_stdout = sys.stdout f_handler = open(log_path, "w") sys.stdout = f_handler'Hi-C QC plot') for renz in dangling_ends:' - Dangling-ends (sensu-stricto): ', dangling_ends[renz]) for renz in ligated:' - Ligation sites: ', ligated[renz]) sys.stdout = orig_stdout f_handler.close() file_name = root_path+'/'+file_name output_metadata = {} # input and output share most metadata if frag_base: full_file = file_name + "" frag_file = file_name + "" results = self.tb_full_mapping_frag( gem_file, fastq_file, input_metadata['enzyme_name'], None, full_file, frag_file, ncpus=input_metadata['ncpus'], workdir=root_path ) results = compss_wait_on(results) output_metadata['func'] = 'frag' return_files = [full_file, frag_file] if 'quality_plot' in input_metadata: return_files += [log_path, root_path+'/'+quality_plot_file] return (return_files, output_metadata) window2 = window3 = window4 = None window1 = file_name + "_full_" + str(windows[0][0]) + "-" + str(windows[0][1]) + ".map" if len(windows) > 1: window2 = file_name + "_full_" + str(windows[1][0]) + "-" + str(windows[1][1]) + ".map" if len(windows) > 2: window3 = file_name + "_full_" + str(windows[2][0]) + "-" + str(windows[2][1]) + ".map" if len(windows) > 3: window4 = file_name + "_full_" + str(windows[3][0]) + "-" + str(windows[3][1]) + ".map" results = self.tb_full_mapping_iter( gem_file, fastq_file, windows, window1, window2, window3, window4, ncpus=input_metadata['ncpus'], workdir=root_path ) results = compss_wait_on(results) output_metadata['func'] = 'iter' return_files = [window1, window2, window3, window4] if 'quality_plot' in input_metadata: return_files += [log_path, root_path+'/'+quality_plot_file] return (return_files, output_metadata)
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