Source code for tool.tb_bin

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from sys import stdout
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
import os

from utils import logger

    from cPickle import load
except ImportError:"Using pickle instead of cPickle")
    from pickle import load

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
except ImportError:"[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")"          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

from basic_modules.tool import Tool

from pytadbit.parsers.hic_bam_parser import write_matrix  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from pytadbit import Chromosome  # pylint: disable=import-error
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_parser import load_hic_data_from_bam  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import hic_map  # pylint: disable=import-error

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class tbBinTool(Tool): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods """ Tool for binning an adjacency matrix """ def __init__(self): """ Init function """"TADbit - Bin") Tool.__init__(self)
[docs] @task(bamin=FILE_IN, biases=FILE_IN, resolution=IN, coord1=IN, coord2=IN, norm=IN, workdir=IN, raw_matrix=FILE_OUT, raw_fig=FILE_OUT, nrm_matrix=FILE_OUT, nrm_fig=FILE_OUT, json_matrix=FILE_OUT) def tb_bin(self, bamin, biases, resolution, coord1, coord2, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches,no-self-use norm, workdir, ncpus="1", metadata=None): """ Function to bin to a given resolution the Hi-C matrix Parameters ---------- bamin : str Location of the tadbit bam paired reads biases : str Location of the pickle hic biases resolution : int Resolution of the Hi-C coord1 : str Coordinate of the region to retrieve. By default all genome, arguments can be either one chromosome name, or the coordinate in the form: "-c chr3:110000000-120000000" coord2 : str Coordinate of a second region to retrieve the matrix in the intersection with the first region. norm : list [['raw']] normalization(s) to apply. Order matters. Choices: [norm, decay, raw] workdir : str Location of working directory ncpus : int Number of cpus to use Returns ------- hic_contacts_matrix_raw : str Location of HiC raw matrix in text format hic_contacts_matrix_nrm : str Location of HiC normalized matrix in text format hic_contacts_matrix_raw_fig : str Location of HiC raw matrix in png format hic_contacts_matrix_norm_fig : str Location of HiC normalized matrix in png format """"TB BIN: {0}, {1}, {2}".format(bamin, resolution, workdir)) output_metadata = {} if coord2 and not coord1: coord1, coord2 = coord2, coord1 if not coord1: region1 = None start1 = None end1 = None region2 = None start2 = None end2 = None else: try: crm1, pos1 = coord1.split(':') start1, end1 = pos1.split('-') region1 = crm1 start1 = int(start1) end1 = int(end1) except ValueError: region1 = coord1 start1 = None end1 = None if coord2: try: crm2, pos2 = coord2.split(':') start2, end2 = pos2.split('-') region2 = crm2 start2 = int(start2) end2 = int(end2) except ValueError: region2 = coord2 start2 = None end2 = None else: region2 = None start2 = None end2 = None if region1: if region1: stdout.write('\nExtraction of %s' % (region1)) if start1: stdout.write(':%s-%s' % (start1, end1)) else: stdout.write(' (full chromosome)') if region2: stdout.write(' intersection with %s' % (region2)) if start2: stdout.write(':%s-%s\n' % (start2, end2)) else: stdout.write(' (full chromosome)\n') else: stdout.write('\n') else: stdout.write('\nExtraction of full genome\n') out_files = write_matrix( bamin, resolution, load(open(biases)) if biases else None, workdir, filter_exclude=[], normalizations=norm, half_matrix=True, region1=region1, start1=start1, end1=end1, region2=region2, start2=start2, end2=end2, tmpdir=workdir, append_to_tar=None, ncpus=ncpus, verbose=True) output_files = [out_files['RAW']] imx = load_hic_data_from_bam(bamin, resolution, biases=biases if biases else None, region=region1, ncpus=ncpus, tmpdir=workdir) hic_contacts_matrix_raw_fig = workdir+"/genomic_maps_raw.png" focus = None by_chrom = None if start1 is not None: focus = ((start1/resolution) if start1 != 0 else 1, (end1/resolution)) else: if region1 is not None: focus = region1 else: by_chrom = 'all' hic_contacts_matrix_raw_fig = workdir+"/genomic_maps_raw" hic_map(imx, resolution, savefig=hic_contacts_matrix_raw_fig, normalized=False, by_chrom=by_chrom, focus=focus) if by_chrom == 'all': hic_map(imx, resolution, savefig=hic_contacts_matrix_raw_fig+"/full_map.png", normalized=False, by_chrom=None, focus=focus) output_files.append(hic_contacts_matrix_raw_fig) if len(norm) > 1: output_files.append(out_files['NRM']) hic_contacts_matrix_norm_fig = workdir+"/genomic_maps_nrm.png" if by_chrom == 'all': hic_contacts_matrix_norm_fig = workdir+"/genomic_maps_nrm" hic_map(imx, resolution, savefig=hic_contacts_matrix_norm_fig, normalized=True, by_chrom=by_chrom, focus=focus) if by_chrom == 'all': hic_map(imx, resolution, savefig=hic_contacts_matrix_norm_fig+"/full_map.png", normalized=True, by_chrom=None, focus=focus) output_files.append(hic_contacts_matrix_norm_fig) json_chr = Chromosome(name="VRE Chromosome", species=metadata["species"], assembly=metadata["assembly"], max_tad_size=260000) json_chr.add_experiment( "exp1", resolution, hic_data=imx, silent=True) exp = json_chr.experiments[0] json_file_name = out_files['RAW'].replace(".abc", ".json") if start1 is not None: if focus[1]-focus[0] > 1200:"TADkit json too big, limiting to 1200 bins") focus = (focus[0], focus[0]+1200) else: if exp.size > 1200:"TADkit json too big, limiting to 1200 bins") focus = (1, 1200) exp.write_json(json_file_name, focus=focus) output_files.append(json_file_name) return (output_files, output_metadata)
[docs] def run(self, input_files, input_metadata, output_files): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ The main function to the predict TAD sites for a given resolution from the Hi-C matrix Parameters ---------- input_files : list bamin : str Location of the tadbit bam paired reads biases : str Location of the pickle hic biases input_metadata : dict resolution : int Resolution of the Hi-C coord1 : str Coordinate of the region to retrieve. By default all genome, arguments can be either one chromosome name, or the coordinate in the form: "-c chr3:110000000-120000000" coord2 : str Coordinate of a second region to retrieve the matrix in the intersection with the first region. norm : str [['raw']] normalization(s) to apply. Order matters. Choices: [norm, decay, raw] workdir : str Location of working directory ncpus : int Number of cpus to use Returns ------- output_files : list List of locations for the output files. output_metadata : list List of matching metadata dict objects """ bamin = input_files[0] if not os.path.isfile(bamin.replace('.bam', '.bam.bai')):'Creating bam index') _cmd = ['samtools', 'index', bamin] out, err = Popen(_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() biases = None if len(input_files) > 1: biases = input_files[1] resolution = 100000 if 'resolution' in input_metadata: resolution = int(input_metadata['resolution']) coord1 = coord2 = norm = None ncpus = 1 if 'ncpus' in input_metadata: ncpus = input_metadata['ncpus'] if 'coord1' in input_metadata: coord1 = input_metadata['coord1'] if 'coord2' in input_metadata: coord2 = input_metadata['coord2'] if 'norm' in input_metadata: norm = input_metadata['norm'] root_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(bamin)) if 'workdir' in input_metadata: root_name = input_metadata['workdir'] # input and output share most metadata project_metadata = {} project_metadata["species"] = input_metadata["species"] project_metadata["assembly"] = input_metadata["assembly"] output_files, output_metadata = self.tb_bin(bamin, biases, resolution, coord1, coord2, norm, root_name, ncpus, project_metadata) return (output_files, output_metadata)
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