Source code for tool.macs2

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys

from utils import logger

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
    from pycompss.api.constraint import constraint
    from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on, compss_open, compss_delete_file
except ImportError:
    logger.warn("[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")
    logger.warn("          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task, constraint  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import compss_wait_on, compss_open, compss_delete_file  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

from basic_modules.metadata import Metadata
from basic_modules.tool import Tool
from tool.bam_utils import bamUtilsTask
from tool.common import common

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class macs2(Tool): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Tool for peak calling for ChIP-seq data """ def __init__(self, configuration=None): """ Init function """"MACS2 Peak Caller") Tool.__init__(self) if configuration is None: configuration = {} self.configuration.update(configuration) @staticmethod def _macs2_runner( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-statements,too-many-arguments name, bam_file, bai_file, macs_params, narrowpeak, summits_bed, broadpeak, gappedpeak, bdg_control_lambda=None, bdg_treat_pileup=None, chromosome=None, bam_file_bgd=None, bai_file_bgd=None, bedpe=False): """ Function to run MACS2 for peak calling on aligned sequence files and normalised against a provided background set of alignments. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be used to identify the files bam_file : str Location of the aligned FASTQ files as a bam file bai_file : str Location of the bam index file narrowpeak : str Location of the output narrowpeak file summits_bed : str Location of the output summits bed file broadpeak : str Location of the output broadpeak file gappedpeak : str Location of the output gappedpeak file chromosome : str If the tool is to be run over a single chromosome the matching chromosome name should be specified. If None then the whole bam file is analysed bam_file_bgd : str Location of the aligned FASTQ files as a bam file representing background values for the cell bai_file_bgd : str Location of the background bam index file Returns ------- narrowPeak : file BED6+4 file - ideal for transcription factor binding site identification summitPeak : file BED4+1 file - Contains the peak summit locations for everypeak broadPeak : file BED6+3 file - ideal for histone binding site identification gappedPeak : file BED12+3 file - Contains a merged set of the broad and narrow peak files Definitions defined for each of these files have come from the MACS2 documentation described in the docs at """ od_list = bam_file.split("/") output_dir = "/".join(od_list[0:-1]) from tool.bam_utils import bamUtils bam_tmp_file = bam_file.replace(".bam", "." + str(chromosome) + ".bam") bam_utils_handle = bamUtils() bam_utils_handle.bam_split(bam_file, bai_file, chromosome, bam_tmp_file) common_handle = common() # Test to see if the bam file contains paired end reads if bam_utils_handle.bam_paired_reads(bam_file): if bedpe: bed_tmp_file = bam_file.replace(".bam", "." + str(chromosome) + ".bed") bam_utils_handle.bam_to_bed(bam_tmp_file, bed_tmp_file) macs_params.append("--format BEDPE") else: macs_params.append("--format BAMPE") command_param = [ 'macs2 callpeak', " ".join(macs_params), '-t', bam_tmp_file, '-n', name ] if bam_file_bgd is not None: bam_bgd_tmp_file = bam_file_bgd.replace(".bam", "." + str(chromosome) + ".bam") bam_utils_handle.bam_split(bam_file_bgd, bai_file_bgd, chromosome, bam_bgd_tmp_file) bgd_command = '-c ' + bam_bgd_tmp_file command_param.append(bgd_command) command_param.append('--outdir ' + output_dir) command_line = ' '.join(command_param) aligned_count = bam_utils_handle.bam_count_reads(bam_tmp_file, aligned=True) if int(aligned_count) > 0: try: args = shlex.split(command_line) process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc_out, proc_err = process.communicate() except (IOError, OSError) as msg: logger.fatal("I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, command_line)) return False if process.returncode is not 0: logger.fatal("MACS2 ERROR: " + str(process.returncode)) logger.fatal( "MACS2 ERROR: BAM counts: " + str( bam_utils_handle.bam_count_reads(bam_tmp_file, aligned=True) ) ) logger.fatal("\n\nMACS2 ERROR - out:\n\t" + str(proc_out)) logger.fatal("\n\nMACS2 ERROR - err:\n\t" + str(proc_err))'Process Results 1:', process)'LIST DIR 1:', os.listdir(output_dir)) output_tmp = output_dir + '/{}_{}' common_handle.to_output_file(output_tmp.format(name, 'peaks.narrowPeak'), narrowpeak) common_handle.to_output_file(output_tmp.format(name, 'peaks.broadPeak'), broadpeak) common_handle.to_output_file(output_tmp.format(name, 'peaks.gappedPeak'), gappedpeak) common_handle.to_output_file(output_tmp.format(name, 'summits.bed'), summits_bed) common_handle.to_output_file( output_tmp.format(name, 'control_lambda.bdg'), bdg_control_lambda) common_handle.to_output_file(output_tmp.format(name, 'treat_pileup.bdg'), bdg_treat_pileup) return True
[docs] @constraint(ComputingUnits="1") @task( returns=bool, name=IN, bam_file=FILE_IN, bai_file=FILE_IN, bam_file_bgd=FILE_IN, bai_file_bgd=FILE_IN, macs_params=IN, narrowpeak=FILE_OUT, summits_bed=FILE_OUT, broadpeak=FILE_OUT, gappedpeak=FILE_OUT, rscript=FILE_OUT, bdg_control_lambda=FILE_OUT, bdg_treat_pileup=FILE_OUT, chromosome=IN, bedpe=IN, isModifier=False) def macs2_peak_calling( # pylint: disable=no-self-use,too-many-arguments self, name, bam_file, bai_file, bam_file_bgd, bai_file_bgd, macs_params, narrowpeak, summits_bed, broadpeak, gappedpeak, bdg_control_lambda, bdg_treat_pileup, chromosome, bedpe): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Function to run MACS2 for peak calling on aligned sequence files and normalised against a provided background set of alignments. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be used to identify the files bam_file : str Location of the aligned FASTQ files as a bam file bai_file : str Location of the bam index file bam_file_bgd : str Location of the aligned FASTQ files as a bam file representing background values for the cell bai_file_bgd : str Location of the background bam index file narrowpeak : str Location of the output narrowpeak file summits_bed : str Location of the output summits bed file broadpeak : str Location of the output broadpeak file gappedpeak : str Location of the output gappedpeak file chromosome : str If the tool is to be run over a single chromosome the matching chromosome name should be specified. If None then the whole bam file is analysed Returns ------- narrowPeak : file BED6+4 file - ideal for transcription factor binding site identification summitPeak : file BED4+1 file - Contains the peak summit locations for everypeak broadPeak : file BED6+3 file - ideal for histone binding site identification gappedPeak : file BED12+3 file - Contains a merged set of the broad and narrow peak files Definitions defined for each of these files have come from the MACS2 documentation described in the docs at """ self._macs2_runner( name, bam_file, bai_file, macs_params, narrowpeak, summits_bed, broadpeak, gappedpeak, bdg_control_lambda=bdg_control_lambda, bdg_treat_pileup=bdg_treat_pileup, chromosome=chromosome, bam_file_bgd=bam_file_bgd, bai_file_bgd=bai_file_bgd, bedpe=bedpe) return True
[docs] @constraint(ComputingUnits="1") @task( returns=bool, name=IN, bam_file=FILE_IN, bai_file=FILE_IN, macs_params=IN, narrowpeak=FILE_OUT, summits_bed=FILE_OUT, broadpeak=FILE_OUT, gappedpeak=FILE_OUT, bdg_control_lambda=FILE_OUT, bdg_treat_pileup=FILE_OUT, chromosome=IN, bedpe=IN, isModifier=False) def macs2_peak_calling_nobgd( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,no-self-use,too-many-branches self, name, bam_file, bai_file, macs_params, narrowpeak, summits_bed, broadpeak, gappedpeak, bdg_control_lambda, bdg_treat_pileup, chromosome, bedpe): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Function to run MACS2 for peak calling on aligned sequence files without a background dataset for normalisation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be used to identify the files bam_file : str Location of the aligned FASTQ files as a bam file bai_file : str Location of the bam index file narrowpeak : str Location of the output narrowpeak file summits_bed : str Location of the output summits bed file broadpeak : str Location of the output broadpeak file gappedpeak : str Location of the output gappedpeak file chromosome : str If the tool is to be run over a single chromosome the matching chromosome name should be specified. If None then the whole bam file is analysed Returns ------- narrowPeak : file BED6+4 file - ideal for transcription factor binding site identification summitPeak : file BED4+1 file - Contains the peak summit locations for everypeak broadPeak : file BED6+3 file - ideal for histone binding site identification gappedPeak : file BED12+3 file - Contains a merged set of the broad and narrow peak files Definitions defined for each of these files have come from the MACS2 documentation described in the docs at """ self._macs2_runner( name, bam_file, bai_file, macs_params, narrowpeak, summits_bed, broadpeak, gappedpeak, bdg_control_lambda=bdg_control_lambda, bdg_treat_pileup=bdg_treat_pileup, chromosome=chromosome, bedpe=bedpe) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_macs2_params(params): """ Function to handle to extraction of commandline parameters and formatting them for use in the aligner for BWA ALN Parameters ---------- params : dict Returns ------- list """ command_params = [] command_parameters = { "macs_format_param": ["--format", True], "macs_gsize_param": ["--gsize", True], "macs_tsize_param": ["--tsize", True], "macs_bw_param": ["--bw", True], "macs_qvalue_param": ["--qvalue", True], "macs_pvalue_param": ["--pvalue", True], "macs_mfold_param": ["--mfold", True], "macs_nolambda_param": ["--nolambda", False], "macs_slocal_param": ["--slocal", True], "macs_llocal_param": ["--llocal", True], "macs_fix-bimodal_param": ["--fix-bimodal", False], "macs_nomodel_param": ["--nomodel", False], "macs_extsize_param": ["--extsize", True], "macs_shift_param": ["--shift", True], "macs_keep-dup_param": ["--keep-dup", True], "macs_broad_param": ["--broad", False], "macs_broad-cutoff_param": ["--broad-cutoff", True], "macs_to-large_param": ["--to-large", False], "macs_down-sample_param": ["--down-sample", False], "macs_bdg_param": ["--bdg", False], "macs_call-summits_param": ["--call-summits", True], } for param in params: if param in command_parameters: if command_parameters[param][1] and params[param] != "": command_params = command_params + [ command_parameters[param][0], params[param] ] else: if command_parameters[param][0] and params[param] is not False: command_params.append(command_parameters[param][0]) return command_params
[docs] def run(self, input_files, input_metadata, output_files): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements """ The main function to run MACS 2 for peak calling over a given BAM file and matching background BAM file. Parameters ---------- input_files : dict List of input bam file locations where 0 is the bam data file and 1 is the matching background bam file metadata : dict Returns ------- output_files : dict List of locations for the output files. output_metadata : dict List of matching metadata dict objects """ root_name = os.path.split(input_files['bam']) name = root_name[1].replace('.bam', '') # input and output share most metadata output_bed_types = { 'narrow_peak': "bed4+1", 'summits': "bed6+4", 'broad_peak': "bed6+3", 'gapped_peak': "bed12+3" } command_params = self.get_macs2_params(self.configuration) bam_utils_handle = bamUtilsTask() bam_utils_handle.bam_index( input_files['bam'], input_files['bam'] + '.bai' ) if 'bam_bg' in input_files: bam_utils_handle.bam_index( input_files['bam_bg'], input_files['bam_bg'] + '.bai' ) chr_list = bam_utils_handle.bam_list_chromosomes(input_files['bam']) chr_list = compss_wait_on(chr_list)"MACS2 COMMAND PARAMS: " + ", ".join(command_params)) bedpe_param = False if 'macs2_bedpe' in self.configuration: bedpe_param = True for chromosome in chr_list: if 'bam_bg' in input_files: result = self.macs2_peak_calling( name, str(input_files['bam']), str(input_files['bam']) + '.bai', str(input_files['bam_bg']), str(input_files['bam_bg']) + '.bai', command_params, str(output_files['narrow_peak']) + "." + str(chromosome), str(output_files['summits']) + "." + str(chromosome), str(output_files['broad_peak']) + "." + str(chromosome), str(output_files['gapped_peak']) + "." + str(chromosome), os.path.join(root_name[0], name + "_control_lambda.bdg"), os.path.join(root_name[0], name + "_treat_pvalue.bdg"), chromosome, bedpe_param) else: result = self.macs2_peak_calling_nobgd( name, str(input_files['bam']), str(input_files['bam']) + '.bai', command_params, str(output_files['narrow_peak']) + "." + str(chromosome), str(output_files['summits']) + "." + str(chromosome), str(output_files['broad_peak']) + "." + str(chromosome), str(output_files['gapped_peak']) + "." + str(chromosome), os.path.join(root_name[0], name + "_control_lambda.bdg"), os.path.join(root_name[0], name + "_treat_pvalue.bdg"), chromosome, bedpe_param) if result is False: logger.fatal("MACS2: Something went wrong with the peak calling") # Merge the results files into single files. with open(output_files['narrow_peak'], 'wb') as file_np_handle: with open(output_files['summits'], 'wb') as file_s_handle: with open(output_files['broad_peak'], 'wb') as file_bp_handle: with open(output_files['gapped_peak'], 'wb') as file_gp_handle: for chromosome in chr_list: np_file_chr = "{}.{}".format(output_files['narrow_peak'], chromosome) s_file_chr = "{}.{}".format(output_files['summits'], chromosome) bp_file_chr = "{}.{}".format(output_files['broad_peak'], chromosome) gp_file_chr = "{}.{}".format(output_files['gapped_peak'], chromosome) if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True: with open(np_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_np_handle.write( with open(s_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_s_handle.write( with open(bp_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_bp_handle.write( with open(gp_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_gp_handle.write( else: with compss_open(np_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_np_handle.write( with compss_open(s_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_s_handle.write( with compss_open(bp_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_bp_handle.write( with compss_open(gp_file_chr, 'rb') as file_in_handle: file_gp_handle.write( compss_delete_file(np_file_chr) compss_delete_file(s_file_chr) compss_delete_file(bp_file_chr) compss_delete_file(gp_file_chr) output_files_created = {} output_metadata = {} for result_file in output_files: if ( os.path.isfile(output_files[result_file]) is True and os.path.getsize(output_files[result_file]) > 0 ): output_files_created[result_file] = output_files[result_file] sources = [input_metadata["bam"].file_path] if 'bam_bg' in input_files: sources.append(input_metadata["bam_bg"].file_path) output_metadata[result_file] = Metadata( data_type="data_chip_seq", file_type="BED", file_path=output_files[result_file], sources=sources, taxon_id=input_metadata["bam"].taxon_id, meta_data={ "assembly": input_metadata["bam"].meta_data["assembly"], "tool": "macs2", "bed_type": output_bed_types[result_file], "parameters": command_params } ) else: try: os.remove(output_files[result_file]) except (OSError, IOError) as error: logger.warn("MACS2: I/O error({0}): {1}\nMissing file: {2}".format( error.errno, error.strerror, output_files[result_file])) bdg_files = { "control_lambda": os.path.join(root_name[0], name + "_control_lambda.bdg"), "treat_pvalue": os.path.join(root_name[0], name + "_treat_pvalue.bdg") } for result_file in bdg_files: if ( os.path.isfile(bdg_files[result_file]) is True and os.path.getsize(bdg_files[result_file]) > 0 ): output_files_created[result_file] = bdg_files[result_file] sources = [input_metadata["bam"].file_path] if 'bam_bg' in input_files: sources.append(input_metadata["bam_bg"].file_path) output_metadata[result_file] = Metadata( data_type="data_chip_seq", file_type="BEDGRAPH", file_path=bdg_files[result_file], sources=sources, taxon_id=input_metadata["bam"].taxon_id, meta_data={ "assembly": input_metadata["bam"].meta_data["assembly"], "tool": "macs2", "parameters": command_params } ) else: try: os.remove(bdg_files[result_file]) except (OSError, IOError) as error: logger.warn("MACS2: I/O error({0}): {1}\nMissing file: {2}".format( error.errno, error.strerror, bdg_files[result_file]))'MACS2: GENERATED FILES:', output_files) return (output_files_created, output_metadata)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------