Source code for tool.bam_utils

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import pysam

from utils import logger

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, FILE_INOUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
    from pycompss.api.api import barrier, compss_delete_file
except ImportError:
    logger.warn("[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")
    logger.warn("          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, FILE_INOUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import barrier, compss_delete_file  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class bamUtils(object): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Tool for handling bam files """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise the tool with its configuration. """"BAM Utils")
[docs] @staticmethod def sam_to_bam(sam_file, bam_file): """ Function for converting sam files to bam files """ # Convert the new sam file into a sorted bam file cmd_sort = ' '.join([ 'samtools sort', '-O bam', '-o', bam_file, sam_file ]) try:"CREATE BAM COMMAND: " + cmd_sort) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_sort, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_sort)) return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_to_bed(bam_file, bed_file): """ Function for converting bam files to bed files """ # Convert the new bam file into a bed file cmd_bamtobed = ' '.join([ 'bedtools bamtobed', '-i', bam_file, '>', bed_file ]) try:"CREATE BAMTOBED COMMAND: " + cmd_bamtobed) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_bamtobed, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_bamtobed)) return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_count_reads(bam_file, aligned=False): """ Wrapper to count the number of (aligned) reads in a bam file """ if aligned: return pysam.view("-c", "-F", "260", bam_file).strip() # pylint: disable=no-member return pysam.view("-c", bam_file).strip() # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_paired_reads(bam_file): """ Wrapper to test if a bam file contains paired end reads """ paired_count = pysam.view("-c", "-f", "1", bam_file).strip() # pylint: disable=no-member if int(paired_count) > 0: return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_sort(bam_file): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools sort function Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file to sort """ try: pysam.sort( # pylint: disable=no-member "-o", bam_file, "-T", bam_file + "_sort", bam_file) except (OSError, IOError): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_filter(bam_file, bam_file_out, filter_name): """ Wrapper for filtering out reads from a bam file Parameters ---------- bam_file : str bam_file_out : str filter : str One of: duplicate - Read is PCR or optical duplicate (1024) supplementary - Reads that are chimeric, fusion or non linearly aligned (2048) unmapped - Read is unmapped or not the primary alignment (260) """ filter_list = { "duplicate": "1024", "supplementary": "2048", "unmapped": "260" } # Using samtools directly as pysam.view ignored the '-o' parameter cmd_view = ' '.join([ "samtools view", "-b", "-F", filter_list[filter_name], "-o", bam_file_out, bam_file ]) try: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_view, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg: "BAM FILTER - I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, "samtools view -b -F {} -o {} {}".format( filter_list[filter_name], bam_file_out, bam_file) ) ) return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_merge(*args): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """"Merging:") if isinstance(args[0], list): final_bam = args[0][0] tmp_bam = final_bam + "_merge.bam" pysam.merge("-f", tmp_bam, *args[0]) # pylint: disable=no-member else: final_bam = args[0] tmp_bam = final_bam + "_merge.bam" pysam.merge("-f", tmp_bam, *args) # pylint: disable=no-member try: with open(tmp_bam, "rb") as f_in: with open(final_bam, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( except (OSError, IOError): return False os.remove(tmp_bam) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_copy(bam_in, bam_out): """ Wrapper function to copy from one bam file to another Parameters ---------- bam_in : str Location of the input bam file bam_out : str Location of the output bam file """"Copying: " + bam_in + " - " + bam_out) try: with open(bam_in, "rb") as f_in: with open(bam_out, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( except (OSError, IOError): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_index(bam_file, bam_idx_file): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools index function Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file that is to be indexed bam_idx_file : str Location of the bam index file (.bai) """ cmd_view = ' '.join([ 'samtools index', '-b', bam_file, bam_file + "_tmp.bai" ]) try:"INDEX BAM COMMAND: " + cmd_view) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_view, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_view)) return False try: with open(bam_file + "_tmp.bai", "rb") as f_in: with open(bam_idx_file, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( except (OSError, IOError): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_list_chromosomes(bam_file): """ Wrapper to list the chromosome names that are present within the bam file Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file Returns ------- list List of the names of the chromosomes that are present in the bam file """ bam_file_handle = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_file, "rb") # pylint: disable=no-member if "SQ" not in bam_file_handle.header: return [] chromosome_list = [chromosome["SN"] for chromosome in bam_file_handle.header["SQ"]] bam_file_handle.close() return chromosome_list
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_split(bam_file_in, bai_file, chromosome, bam_file_out): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Wrapper to extract a single chromosomes worth of reading into a new bam file Parameters ---------- bam_file_in : str Location of the input bam file bai_file : str Location of the bam index file. This needs to be in the same directory as the bam_file_in chromosome : str Name of the chromosome whose alignments are to be extracted bam_file_out : str Location of the output bam file """ # Extract the subsection from the bam file using samtools cmd_view_1 = ' '.join([ 'samtools view', '-h', '-o', bam_file_in + ".sam", bam_file_in, chromosome ]) # Convert the new sam file into a sorted bam file cmd_view_2 = ' '.join([ 'samtools sort', '-O bam', '-o', bam_file_out, bam_file_in + ".sam" ]) try:"EXTRACT SAM COMMAND: " + cmd_view_1) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_view_1, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_view_1)) return False try:"CREATE BAM COMMAND: " + cmd_view_2) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_view_2, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_view_2)) return False os.remove(bam_file_in + ".sam") return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bam_stats(bam_file): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools flagstat function Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file Returns ------- list : dict qc_passed : int qc_failed : int description : str """ results = pysam.flagstat(bam_file) # pylint: disable=no-member separate_results = results.strip().split("\n") return [ { "qc_passed": int(element[0]), "qc_failed": int(element[2]), "description": " ".join(element[3:]) } for element in [row.split(" ") for row in separate_results] ]
[docs] @staticmethod def check_header(bam_file): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools for checking if a bam file is sorted Parameters ---------- bool True if the file has been sorted """ output = True bam_file_handle = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_file, "rb") # pylint: disable=no-member if ("SO" not in bam_file_handle.header["HD"] or bam_file_handle.header["HD"]["SO"] == "unsorted"): output = False bam_file_handle.close() return output
[docs]class bamUtilsTask(object): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Wrappers so that the function above can be used as part of a @task within COMPSs avoiding the files being copied around the infrastructure too many times """ def __init__(self): """ Init function """"BAM @task Utils")
[docs] @task(returns=list, bam_file=FILE_IN) def bam_list_chromosomes(self, bam_file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper to get the list of chromosomes in a given bam file Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file Returns ------- chromosome_list : list List of the chromosomes in the bam file """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_list_chromosomes(bam_file)
[docs] @task(returns=bool, bam_file=FILE_INOUT) def bam_sort(self, bam_file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools sort function Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file to sort """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_sort(bam_file)
[docs] @task(returns=bool, bam_file=FILE_IN, bam_file_out=FILE_IN, filter_name=IN) def bam_filter(self, bam_file, bam_file_out, filter_name): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for filtering out reads from a bam file Parameters ---------- bam_file : str bam_file_out : str filter : str One of: duplicate - Read is PCR or optical duplicate (1024) unmapped - Read is unmapped or not the primary alignment (260) """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_filter(bam_file, bam_file_out, filter_name)
[docs] def bam_merge(self, in_bam_job_files): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Wrapper task taking any number of bam files and merging them into a single bam file. Parameters ---------- bam_job_files : list List of the locations of the separate bam files that are to be merged The first file in the list will be taken as the output file name """ merge_round = -1 if len(in_bam_job_files) == 1: return in_bam_job_files[0] bam_job_files = [i for i in in_bam_job_files] cleanup_files = [] # The extra block required is for testing once the merge step for batches # of 10 has completed, for the generation of the new name and therefore # submitting the batches that there are actually more jobs to submit. while True: # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks merge_round += 1 if len(bam_job_files) > 1: tmp_alignments = [] if bam_job_files: while len(bam_job_files) >= 10: current_list_len = len(bam_job_files) for i in range(0, current_list_len-9, 10): # pylint: disable=unused-variable bam_out = bam_job_files[0] + "_merge_" + str(merge_round) + ".bam" tmp_alignments.append(bam_out) cleanup_files.append(bam_out) self.bam_merge_10( bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_out ) if bam_job_files: bam_out = bam_job_files[0] + "_merge_" + str(merge_round) + ".bam" if len(bam_job_files) >= 5: tmp_alignments.append(bam_out) cleanup_files.append(bam_out) self.bam_merge_5( bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_out ) if bam_job_files: bam_out = bam_job_files[0] + "_merge_" + str(merge_round) + ".bam" if len(bam_job_files) == 4: tmp_alignments.append(bam_out) cleanup_files.append(bam_out) self.bam_merge_4( bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_out ) elif len(bam_job_files) == 3: tmp_alignments.append(bam_out) cleanup_files.append(bam_out) self.bam_merge_3( bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_out ) elif len(bam_job_files) == 2: tmp_alignments.append(bam_out) cleanup_files.append(bam_out) self.bam_merge_2( bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_job_files.pop(0), bam_out ) elif len(bam_job_files) == 1: tmp_alignments.append(bam_job_files[0]) barrier() bam_job_files = [] bam_job_files = [new_bam for new_bam in tmp_alignments] else: break return_value = self.bam_copy(bam_job_files[0], in_bam_job_files[0]) for tmp_bam_file in cleanup_files: compss_delete_file(tmp_bam_file) return return_value
[docs] @task( returns=bool, bam_file_1=FILE_IN, bam_file_2=FILE_IN, bam_file_out=FILE_OUT) def bam_merge_2(self, bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_out): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """ bam_handle = bamUtils() bam_handle.bam_merge(bam_file_1, bam_file_2) return bam_handle.bam_copy(bam_file_1, bam_file_out)
[docs] @task( returns=bool, bam_file_1=FILE_IN, bam_file_2=FILE_IN, bam_file_3=FILE_IN, bam_file_out=FILE_OUT) def bam_merge_3(self, bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_out): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_3 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """ bam_handle = bamUtils() bam_handle.bam_merge([ bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3 ]) return bam_handle.bam_copy(bam_file_1, bam_file_out)
[docs] @task( returns=bool, bam_file_1=FILE_IN, bam_file_2=FILE_IN, bam_file_3=FILE_IN, bam_file_4=FILE_IN, bam_file_out=FILE_OUT) # pylint: disable=no-self-use,too-many-arguments def bam_merge_4(self, bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_4, bam_file_out): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_3 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_4 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """ bam_handle = bamUtils() bam_handle.bam_merge([ bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_4 ]) return bam_handle.bam_copy(bam_file_1, bam_file_out)
[docs] @task( returns=bool, bam_file_1=FILE_IN, bam_file_2=FILE_IN, bam_file_3=FILE_IN, bam_file_4=FILE_IN, bam_file_5=FILE_IN, bam_file_out=FILE_OUT ) # pylint: disable=no-self-use,too-many-arguments def bam_merge_5(self, bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_4, bam_file_5, bam_file_out): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_3 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_4 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_5 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """ bam_handle = bamUtils() bam_handle.bam_merge([ bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_4, bam_file_5 ]) return bam_handle.bam_copy(bam_file_1, bam_file_out)
[docs] @task( returns=bool, bam_file_1=FILE_IN, bam_file_2=FILE_IN, bam_file_3=FILE_IN, bam_file_4=FILE_IN, bam_file_5=FILE_IN, bam_file_6=FILE_IN, bam_file_7=FILE_IN, bam_file_8=FILE_IN, bam_file_9=FILE_IN, bam_file_10=FILE_IN, bam_file_out=FILE_OUT ) # pylint: disable=no-self-use,too-many-arguments def bam_merge_10(self, bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_4, bam_file_5, bam_file_6, bam_file_7, bam_file_8, bam_file_9, bam_file_10, bam_file_out): """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_3 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_4 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_5 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_6 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_7 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_8 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_9 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 bam_file_10 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """ bam_handle = bamUtils() bam_handle.bam_merge([ bam_file_1, bam_file_2, bam_file_3, bam_file_4, bam_file_5, bam_file_6, bam_file_7, bam_file_8, bam_file_9, bam_file_10 ]) return bam_handle.bam_copy(bam_file_1, bam_file_out)
[docs] @task(returns=bool, bam_in=FILE_IN, bam_out=FILE_OUT) def bam_copy(self, bam_in, bam_out): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper function to copy from one bam file to another Parameters ---------- bam_in : str Location of the input bam file bam_out : str Location of the output bam file """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_copy(bam_in, bam_out)
[docs] @task(returns=bool, bam_file=FILE_IN, bam_idx_file=FILE_OUT) def bam_index(self, bam_file, bam_idx_file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file that is to be indexed bam_idx_file : str Location of the bam index file (.bai) """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_index(bam_file, bam_idx_file)
[docs] @task(returns=list, bam_file=FILE_IN) def bam_stats(self, bam_file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools flagstat function Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file that is to be indexed bam_idx_file : str Location of the bam index file (.bai) """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_stats(bam_file)
[docs] @task(returns=bool, bam_file=FILE_IN) def bam_paired_reads(self, bam_file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools view function to identify if a bam file contains paired end reads Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Location of the bam file that is to be indexed Returns ------- bool True if the bam file contains paired end reads """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.bam_stats(bam_file)
[docs] @task(returns=bool, bam_file=FILE_IN) def check_header(self, bam_file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Wrapper for the pysam SAMtools merge function Parameters ---------- bam_file_1 : str Location of the bam file to merge into bam_file_2 : str Location of the bam file that is to get merged into bam_file_1 """ bam_handle = bamUtils() return bam_handle.check_header(bam_file)