Source code for tests.test_toolchains

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
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from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import subprocess
import pytest

[docs]def all_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools This set is only required for determining code coverage. """ params = [] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') # params.append('tests/') # params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def genome_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the Genome indexing pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m genome tests/ pytest -m genome tests/ pytest -m genome tests/ """ params = ['-m genome'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def biobambam_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the BWA pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ """ params = ['-m chipseq'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def bowtie2_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the BWA pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m bowtie2 tests/ pytest -m bowtie2 tests/ pytest -m bowtie2 tests/ """ params = ['-m bowtie2'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def bwa_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the BWA pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m bwa tests/ pytest -m bwa tests/ pytest -m bwa tests/ """ params = ['-m bwa'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def chipseq_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the ChIP-seq pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ pytest -m chipseq tests/ """ params = ['-m chipseq'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def idamidseq_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the iDamID-seq pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m idamidseq tests/ pytest -m idamidseq tests/ pytest -m idamidseq tests/ pytest -m idamidseq tests/ pytest -m idamidseq tests/ """ params = ['-m idamidseq'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def hic_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the Hi-C pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ pytest -m hic tests/ """ params = ['-m hic'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def mnaseseq_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the MNase-seq pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m mnaseseq tests/ pytest -m mnaseseq tests/ pytest -m mnaseseq tests/ pytest -m mnaseseq tests/ """ params = ['-m mnaseseq'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def rnaseq_toolchain(verbose=False): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the RNA-seq pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m rnaseq tests/ pytest -m rnaseq tests/ pytest -m rnaseq tests/ """ params = ['-m rnaseq'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def wgbs_toolchain(verbose=0): """ Runs the tests for all of the tools from the WGBS pipeline Runs the following tests: .. code-block:: none pytest -m wgbs tests/ pytest -m wgbs tests/ pytest -m wgbs tests/ pytest -m wgbs tests/ pytest -m wgbs tests/ """ params = ['-m wgbs'] if verbose is True: params.append('-s') # params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') params.append('tests/') return pytest.main(params)
[docs]def tidy_data(): """ Runs the script """ print("TIDY DATA") try: command_line = './' process = subprocess.Popen(command_line, shell=True) process.wait() except (IOError, OSError) as msg: print("I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, command_line))
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys._run_from_cmdl = True # pylint: disable=protected-access PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test runner for tool chains") PARSER.add_argument( "--pipeline", required=True, type=str, choices=[ 'genome', 'biobambam', 'bowtie2', 'bwa', 'chipseq', 'hic', 'idamidseq', 'mnaseseq', 'rnaseq', 'wgbs', 'all' ], help="" ) PARSER.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_const", const=True, default=False) PARSER.add_argument("--tidy", action="store_const", const=True, default=False) # Get the matching parameters from the command line ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() PIPELINES = ARGS.pipeline if PIPELINES is None: PARSER.print_help() sys.exit(1) PIPELINES = PIPELINES.split(",") print(PIPELINES) VERBOSE = ARGS.verbose TIDY = ARGS.tidy if 'all' in PIPELINES: print('ALL') if all_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'genome' in PIPELINES: print('GENOME') if genome_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'biobambam' in PIPELINES: print('BIOBAMBAM') if biobambam_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'bowtie2' in PIPELINES: print('BOWTIE2') if bowtie2_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'bwa' in PIPELINES: print('BWA') if bwa_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'chipseq' in PIPELINES: print('CHIPSEQ') if chipseq_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'hic' in PIPELINES: print('HIC') if hic_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'idamidseq' in PIPELINES: print('IDAMIDSEQ') if idamidseq_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'mnaseseq' in PIPELINES: print('MNASESEQ') if mnaseseq_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'rnaseq' in PIPELINES: print('RNASEQ') if rnaseq_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data() if 'wgbs' in PIPELINES: print('WGBS') if wgbs_toolchain(VERBOSE) > 0: sys.exit(1) if TIDY: tidy_data()